All Natural Dried Fish Skin Chew for Dogs
Welcome to Elinora’s Royal Natural Snack!
We offer a new type of a natural dog treat made in Iceland solely out of dried fish skin
without any additives or preservatives and it is fat free!
Unprocessed food such as natural dried fish skin is great for the dog’s teeth and gives them a beautiful coat! Dogs feeding on natural raw food have fewer problems with allergies and other common problems.
Since 1999

In 2003 we received the Global Special Recognition Award at The Female Invent Conference in London, United Kingdom by the Global Women Inventors Network – GWIIN.
In 2014 we received the Inpex International (Invention and New Product Exposition) 2014 Gold Medal Award of Merit!
Elinora’s Royal Natural Snack is simply the best dried fish skin dog treat on the market. Made solely out of dried Icelandic fish skin. This dried fish skin treat for dogs is a purely natural product without any additives or preservatives. About 77% of the dried fish skin treat is protein and the rest is mostly fiber.
Fish skins for dogs are a great additional to their diet. Fish skin treats are very healthy for dogs and especially beneficial for maintaining good teeth and a beautiful coat. In addition dried fish skin treats are excellent for puppies at teething time! The product is packed in biodegradable bags, each containing 100 gr. (3.5 oz) of dried fish skin.
This unique Icelandic dog chew is an excellent source of pure protein but also contains fatty acids which are an essential part of a dog’s diet. In recent years a good deal of research has been conducted into the health benefits of omega fatty acids for dogs, and specifically on those omega-3 acids found in fish oils. Fish from deep cold waters, such as those surrounding Iceland, are especially rich in these acids. The resealable package is sold by weight not by the number of pieces. Chews are typically 8-9 inches long. Easy to cut for smaller dogs or a quick treat.
Nature Knows Best!
Elinora’s Royal Natural Snack is an icelandic firm which makes healthy, all-natural pet treats using ethically sourced, pure Icelandic ingredients Icelandic+

A pure natural product of Iceland
Fish skins for dogs, especially Elinora’s, are the perfect dog treat for your healthy pup.